In Kenya it is very difficult to obtain employment unless a family member can either offer you a job in their business or in the place where they work. Unfortunately, whilst having a good basic education is welcomed it is rarely enough to secure an individual employment, especially for an orphan.
Four of our supported students in further education have graduated this year, leaving a further two supported at university and one at technical college. These students are supported by individuals through Happy Home Kenya Trust. More of our students have the ability to be accepted onto Further Education Courses than we have donors.
Presently, the Kenyan Government is seeking to divert its young people towards taking up a practical skill as opposed to going to university as they are desperately short of skilled workers and artisans. As an incentive for a young person to consider going to a Technical Skills College, the Government is either offering a grant for any person to start up their own business or to any Technical College which will find that individual an apprenticeship. The stumbling block is the initial cost to the student to afford to do the course! Presently, the average cost for anyone taking a 2 year course is £1200 per year or to do a 3 year course the cost is around £1000 per year. Could you or your family or Church afford to sponsor one of our young people to complete a practical skill course for two or three years? Or could you make a regular set amount to be ring-fenced along with other donors to help a young person to apply for a course of their choosing?
