The primary school that has been established on site, makes use of some of the existing buildings on site, supplemented by temporary classrooms constructed from wood and corrugated iron. Temporary classrooms serve a purpose, but are not suitable for use in the long term. They have no insulation, so can get very hot and they are not deemed suitable for long-term use by the authorities.
This year we have been able to provide funding to allow the construction of a new permanent classroom for the school onsite. The money has come from the generous donation of one of our trustees and from the money raised by another trustee during his triathlon event. The funding won't allow the completion of the internal fit-out, but the building will be better than the temporary classroom that it replaces. We hope and pray for additional funding to be found to allow the building to be completed in the near future.
The pictures below show some of the work being done to prepare the ground and complete the foundation slab.

Items for prayer:
Please give thanks for the generous donations that have enabled the construction of the new permanent building.
Please pray that we will be able to find funds to allow the completion of the internal fit-out of the building.