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Latest news from Kenya (March 2023)

Ken spoke to James earlier in the month and he sends his greetings to us. He tells me that "by the grace of God everyone is fine and they give thanks to God for this blessing."

He went on to say that the long winter rains have recently started and that they usually arrive in the evening but occasionally in the afternoon. They can last between 40 minutes to an hour and can cause flooding. He added that the rains are often accompanied by thunder and strong winds.

All being well they are hoping to plant seed (maize and beans) and to put fertilizer on the field as well. He said that it would take six people a whole day to complete the task.

The school on-site is continuing to move on with Grade 3 students now in place.

All other students are now back in school and he expressed his thanks to all UK supporters that every student was able to return to their schools with a receipt showing that their fees had been paid in full.

For prayer:

James wishes us to know that though we are (geographically) far apart, being involved with Happy Home has brought us all very close together, something for which he is grateful to God for. A sentiment worthy for us to thank God for, don't you think?

Please continue to pray for

- the well-being of the children and young people at Happy Home, particularly in relation to their studies at school.

- the guardian families who have taken on a huge responsibility by welcoming a child into their home.

Give thanks for the staff and trustees who give so much of their time and energy in caring for those orphans who have become a part of the Happy Home family.


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