James said that they had now managed to bag up the maize and have 3 to 4 months’ supply stored. He said that the farmers on site at Happy Home have now prepared the ground for sowing beans.
James reported that the water pump was still working and they had enough drinking water for everyone as well as being able to use it for cooking.
The new intake of children will be in the New Year and they are looking forward to having the new classroom available.
Items for Prayer:
Please continue to pray with James for an ongoing improvement to his health.
James also gave their thanks to the UK donors who generously provided the funding so that their students were able to start their courses this year. And he thanked God for all who regularly give to the work of Happy Home.
Give thanks to God also for this years harvest of maize.
James asks for prayer for all the Kenyan trustees, for good health and for strength.
He asks us to pray for the children of Happy Home, for their health, for them to do their best at school and for the Guardian Families that are caring for them.
The photo below shows a class from the onsite primary school taking place outside in the shade of a tree.
